Managing Contacts from within the Customer Control Panel

Domain Name Contacts may be created and managed independent of domain names as well, directly from within the Customer Control Panel.

More About Contacts 

  • The Contact details of a domain name is typically modified from the Order Information view of individual domain names.

  • Unused Contacts (except Default Contacts) that were created more than six months ago are archived. Archived Contacts will not appear in the List of Contacts, would not be searchable and will not be available for selection during domain name registration and transfer.

    Additional Information

    Default Contacts

  • You can not manage .RU Contacts from the Customer Control Panel. See details

To Add a Contact (Anchor: add)

  1. Login to your Customer Control Panel. See details

  2. In the Menu, point to Settings -> Domain Specific -> Contacts Management and then click Add.

  3. Select the type of Contact you wish to add and provide the details for this Contact.

    Contact Types, Accented Characters and Domain Name Extension Specific Conditions 

    • Contacts are of the following types:

      • General Contact: This contact corresponds to the 4 Contacts (Registrant, Administrative, Technical and Billing) associated with most of the top-level domain names like .COM, .NET, etc..

      • .CA Contact: This type of Contact is specific to a .CA domain name.

      • .CN Contact: This type of Contact is specific to a .CN domain name.

      • .CO Contact: This type of Contact is specific to a .CO domain name.

      • .DE Contact: This type of Contact is specific to a .DE domain name.

      • .EU Contact: This type of Contact is specific to a .EU domain name only.

      • .UK Contact: This type of Contact is specific to a .UK domain name.

    • The Add Contact form supports the following, except for the Phone Number, Fax Number and Email Address fields:

      • Accented characters in case of the below Contact Types:

        • General Contact

          • Thin Registry - All characters

          • Thick Registry - A set of characters and this set varies from Registry to Registry

        • .CA Contact

        • .CO Contact

        • .DE Contact: This supports the following Latin-1 characters:

          ¡¢£¤¥¦§¨©ª«¬-®¯°±²³´?¶- ¸¹º»¼½¾¿ÀÁÂÃÄÅÆÇÈÉÊËÌÍÎÏÐÑÒÓÔÕÖ×ØÙÚÛÜÝÞßàáâãäåæçèéêëìíîïðñòóôõö÷øùúûüýþÿ

        • .EU Contact

      • Chinese characters in case of .CN Contact (Contact Type).

    • In case of a .CA (Anchor: caaddrules) domain name, the following is relevant:

      • A Registrant Contact can be either an Individual or a Company.

        Administrative and Technical Contacts can only be Individuals.

        There is no Billing Contact in a .CA domain name.

      • You can not modify the Registrant Contact's Name of a .CA domain name. If you wish to modify the Registrant Contact details of your .CA domain name, you need to instead create a new Contact and assign it as the Registrant Contact.

      • Upon Registration and Transfer of a .CA domain name, you can not set another Registrant Contact for the same domain name until 60 days have elapsed.

        Similarly, upon assigning a new Registrant for a .CA domain name, you can not set another Registrant Contact for the same domain name until 60 days have elapsed.

      Additional Information

      .CA Domain Name Rules/Requirements

    • The following list displays the various types of .DE (Anchor: deaddrules) Contacts listed in our system and how they are displayed in the Whois of .DE domain names:

      .DE Contact Type displayed in the System

      .DE Contact Type displayed in the Whois


      Domain Holder


      Administrative or admin-c


      Technical or tech-c


      Zone administrator or zone-c

      The Registrant or the Administrative Contact of a .DE domain name needs to be from Germany. This implies that the country of either of these Contacts needs to be Germany.

      The Name field of any .DE Contact can not be modified. If you wish to modify the Name, create another Contact and associate the same with your .DE domain name.

      While modifying the Contact Details of a .DE domain name, the .DE Registry checks if the Name Servers used by the domain name contain a Zone for this domain name and the correct NS Records.

    • Modifying any information of the Registrant Contact for a .NZ (Anchor: nzaddrules) domain name will result in the change(s) being applied to all .NZ domain names using this Contact. This will also result in a new Unique Domain Authentication ID (UDAI) being generated for each affected domain name.

    • While the system permits adding multiple Contacts with the same Name, Company Name, Address, etc., it is not recommended, as it may lead to confusion while registering domain names and/or managing Contacts in the future.

  4. Click Add to complete the process.

Contacts thus added can be viewed from the Contact List page which can be accessed by pointing to Settings -> Domain Specific -> Contacts Management in the Menu, and then clicking List. This Contact can be chosen to represent one or more type of Contact for a domain name during the Registration process.

Contact Modification, Accented Characters and Domain Name Extension Specific Conditions 

  • Modifying the details of a particular Contact in this way will result in change of Contact details for all domain names using this Contact.

  • You will encounter the below error message in case the Contact is associated with one or more suspended domain name(s):


    Change of this contact is not allowed as it is associated with a suspended domain

  • The Modify Contact form supports the following, except for the Phone Number, Fax Number and Email Address fields:

    • Accented characters in case of the below Contact Types:

      • General Contact

        • Thin Registry - All characters

        • Thick Registry - A set of characters and this set varies from Registry to Registry

      • .CA Contact

      • .CO Contact

      • .DE Contact: This supports the following Latin-1 characters:

        ¡¢£¤¥¦§¨©ª«¬-®¯°±²³´?¶- ¸¹º»¼½¾¿ÀÁÂÃÄÅÆÇÈÉÊËÌÍÎÏÐÑÒÓÔÕÖ×ØÙÚÛÜÝÞßàáâãäåæçèéêëìíîïðñòóôõö÷øùúûüýþÿ

      • .EU Contact

    • Chinese characters in case of .CN Contact Contact Type.

  • In case of a .CA (Anchor: cadbrules) domain name, the following is relevant:

    • A Registrant Contact can be either an Individual or a Company.

      Administrative and Technical Contacts can only be Individuals.

      There is no Billing Contact in a .CA domain name.

    • The .CA Registry validates what information is specified in the Name field of any .CA Contact

    • Upon Registration and Transfer of a .CA domain name, you can not set another Registrant Contact for the same domain name until 60 days have elapsed.

      Similarly, upon assigning a new Registrant for a .CA domain name, you can not set another Registrant Contact for the same domain name until 60 days have elapsed.

    • Upon assigning a new Registrant for a .CA domain name, you need to:

      • agree to the latest version of the .CA Registry's Registrant Agreement.

      • select which Canadian Presence Requirement Category the Registrant belongs to:

        Description Registrant Type
        Canadian citizen Individual
        Permanent Resident of Canada Individual
        Aboriginal Peoples (individuals or groups) indigenous to Canada Individual
        Legal Representative of a Canadian Citizen or Permanent Resident Individual
        Corporation (Canada or Canadian province or territory) Company (Non-Individual)
        Government or government entity in Canada Company (Non-Individual)
        Canadian Educational institution Company (Non-Individual)
        Canadian Unincorporated Association Company (Non-Individual)
        Canadian Hospital Company (Non-Individual)
        Partnership Registered in Canada Company (Non-Individual)
        Trade-mark registered in Canada (by a non-Canadian owner) Company (Non-Individual)
        Canadian Trade union Company (Non-Individual)
        Canadian Political party Company (Non-Individual)
        Canadian Library, Archive or Museum Company (Non-Individual)
        Trust established in Canada Company (Non-Individual)
        Indian Band recognized by the Indian Act of Canada Company (Non-Individual)
        Official mark registered in Canada Company (Non-Individual)
        Her Majesty the Queen Company (Non-Individual)
      • select the I agree to the above agreement checkbox and click the Continue button.

    Additional Information

    .CA Domain Name Rules/Requirements

  • The following list displays the various types of .DE (Anchor: dedbrules) Contacts listed in our system and how they are displayed in the Whois of .DE domain names:

    .DE Contact Type displayed in the System

    .DE Contact Type displayed in the Whois


    Domain Holder


    Administrative or admin-c


    Technical or tech-c


    Zone administrator or zone-c

    The Registrant or the Administrative Contact of a .DE domain name needs to be from Germany. This implies that the country of either of these Contacts needs to be Germany.

    While modifying the Contact Details of a .DE domain name, the .DE Registry checks if the Name Servers used by the domain name contain a Zone for this domain name and have correct NS Records.

    If the Name Servers fail to display the Zone file of your .DE domain name and/or display NS Records for the Name Servers, you will still be able to modify the Contact details of your .DE domain name. However, you will be provided 30 days to correct this issue or else your domain name would get Deleted by DENIC.

    Once you have setup your .DE domain name's Zone correctly, you may click the Recheck Nameserver Status button in the Name Servers link in the Order Information view to confirm the same with the .DE Registry.

    The Name field of any .DE Contact can not be modified. If you wish to modify the Name, create another Contact and associate the same with your .DE domain name.

  • If you select a a different Contact for the Registrant Contact of a .NZ (Anchor: nzdbrules) domain name, then this will result in the same Contact being applied to all .NZ domain names using this Contact. This will also result in a new Unique Domain Authentication ID (UDAI) being generated for each affected domain name.

.ASIA CED Details 

Modifying the CED details of a .ASIA domain name associated with a Contact (Anchor: CED)

If you associate a Contact with a .ASIA domain name as its CED Contact, you must specify the necessary CED details for it. You can modify this information at any time, from the Customer Control Panel.

To modify the CED Contact details associated with a Contact

  1. Login to your Customer Control Panel. See details

  2. In the Menu, go to Settings -> Domain Specific -> Contacts Management and then click List.

  3. Click the Contact Id link of the Contact you wish to modify. Then, click the Modify CED Details button .

  4. The existing CED details are displayed. You can modify them, as required.

  5. Click the Continue button to save the changes.

Additional Information

Overview of .ASIA domain names

.US Nexus Information 

Modifying .US Nexus information associated with a Contact (Anchor: nexus)

If you associate a Contact with a .US domain name, you must specify the necessary Nexus information for it. You can modify this information at any time, from the Customer Control Panel.

To modify .US Nexus information associated with a Contact

  1. Login to your Customer Control Panel. See details

  2. In the Menu, go to Settings -> Domain Specific -> Contacts Management and then click List.

  3. Click the Contact Id link of the Contact you wish to modify. Then, click the Modify Nexus Information button.

  4. Specify the new Application Purpose and Nexus Category for the Contact, as appropriate and click the Continue button to save the changes.

Additional Information

Overview of .US domain names

To Delete a Contact (Anchor: delete)

If a specific Contact is no longer required, you may delete the same by following the steps listed below:

  1. Login to your Customer Control Panel. See details

  2. In the Menu, point to Settings -> Domain Specific -> Contacts Management and then click List.

  3. Click the Contact Id link of the Contact you wish to delete.

  4. Click the Delete button and confirm the deletion.


A Contact can be deleted only if it is:

  • not associated with any domain name, or

  • not used as a Default Contact under your Customer account.

    Additional Information

    Setting Default Contacts